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Children of 1 - 12
After the baby is born, flu has become the most worried problem by mother at every winter as one of the pediatric diseases. 
From Nov. – Dec. until February of coming year is the peak season of flu, and the children are the main objects to be infected, where the children of 1-12 years old account for nearly seventy percent. It has been found from the questionnaire of BabyHome in December regarding the station mother members for the pediatric care in winter, as much as 98 percent of mothers will pay special attention to season popular diseases after the baby is born; the senior pediatricians Zhou Yihong said, influenza is one of the most serious viral respiratory infections, caused by influenza virus infection, which may invade the lung to cause the viral pneumonia; because the upper respiratory tract is destroyed, it is easy to cause the bacteria invasion. 
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